Marketing Arena, committed to ethical practices and the proper conduct of its business, has established internal reporting systems to facilitate the identification and disclosure of potential legal violations or breaches of internal policies within the Company.
Current and former employees or collaborators can access the reporting channel at the following link:
This link also provides access to the reporting procedure, details on personal data processing, the cookie policy, and a comprehensive FAQ section.
For any questions about the process or what can be reported, please don’t hesitate to contact us at amministrazione@marketingarena.it
What can be reported
This procedure allows you to report any inappropriate or illegal behavior carried out by the Company (such as incidents of bullying, violence, harassment, absenteeism, corruption, breaches of confidentiality, and other unlawful acts). Whistleblowing does not cover personal complaints from the reporter. For example, disputes, missed promotions, or non-renewal of contracts cannot be reported.
Who can report
The procedure is available to anyone who has (or has had) a business relationship (employment and/or collaboration) with the Company..
Marketing Arena ensures the protection of the whistleblower’s identity, guaranteeing the utmost confidentiality. The reporting channel also allows for anonymous reporting, provided the information is specific and detailed.
Thank you for your cooperation.