

Tik Tok Video Factory

Vimar is a company driven by design and technology, with a mission centred on home automation and smart solutions, sharing its vision through diverse stories and innovative, engaging approaches. This was the challenge we embraced – launching the brand’s TikTok channel with an original style that could connect with today’s customers and engage tomorrow’s audiences, raising awareness of the Vimar brand and its products.

Video Views
Follower Growth Rate

Market & Customer Analysis

To optimise TikTok communication, we combined contextual analysis, creative thinking, and technical development to create engaging content tailored to TikTok’s audience and designed for impactful brand storytelling.

Content & Social Media Marketing

We focused on developing the TikTok channel with a video content strategy spanning three objectives: corporate, educational, and product-focused. Educational and entertaining content took centre stage, stimulating curiosity and driving audience engagement. The result? An entertained, engaged and loyal community.

@vimarspa Come simulare la presenza in casa in modo smart #smarthome #presasmart #smartlife ♬ suono originale – VIMAR
@vimarspa Il buio non ha più scampo con Vimar! 🌟 Gestisci le luci, affronta le tenebre e addormentati con un sorriso. 😊💡🌙 #smarthome #tiktokmademebuyit #vimar #basedonatruestory ♬ suono originale – VIMAR
@vimarspa Con l'occhio di Vimar, nulla sfugge alla tua attenzione 👁 ✨#smarthome #vimar #tiktokmademebuyit #videosorveglianzacasa ♬ suono originale – VIMAR


Through our content factory approach, we created authentic, on-trend video content with a fresh and dynamic style. We used smooth camerawork and engaging audio to ensure each piece was designed to elicit a specific response from the target audiences.

@vimarspa Hai paura del buio? Con Vimar al tuo fianco, i mostri non potranno più spaventarti! 💡👻 #vimar #smarthome #casasmart #tiktokmademebuyit #smartlife #luci ♬ suono originale – VIMAR
@vimarspa Mostra la tua personalità e il tuo stile unico con le placche Plana! ✨🎨 #doyouhaveaplana #smarthome #vimar #smartlife #seriecivile #tiktokmadebuyit ♬ suono originale – VIMAR
@vimarspa Anche se Gigi non c’è, con la videocitofonia di Vimar è sempre in casa 📞🔔 #vimar #smarthome #videocitofonia #tiktokmademebuyit ♬ suono originale – VIMAR

We wanted to tell our company’s story through a simple, direct approach to product awareness and educational content. Within our holistic strategy, we needed to leverage a strategic social platform to reach a well-defined user cluster, and TikTok proved the perfect fit.

Juri Leo – Head of Digital Marketing, Vimar


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